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Employee portals

Is your organization struggling in the areas of document management, internal communication, and sharing important news and policies with staff? You are not alone. Knowing this growing need in the healthcare market, the Coffey digital team has evolved Site Assist to create employee portals.

Accessed via IP restriction, unique usernames/passwords or using Active Directory integration, Coffey's employee portal solution offers a robust and intuitive option for your internal needs.

See below for an overview of what our solution is, and what it does not include.


A custom employee portal

Watch this video to see some of the features for Southeast Georgia Health System's employee portal.

What Coffey's solution supports

  • Employee directory
  • Event calendar
  • Cheer cards for birthdays/work anniversaries/get well
  • Organizational chart, mission/vision/values
  • PDFs for training
  • News about the organization
  • Blogs from leadership
  • Requests for information/surveys
  • Cafeteria menus
  • Department-specific information
  • Policy documents
  • Active Directory/IP address/password protection access
  • Links out to other platforms/portals, such as:
    • HR functions, such as payroll, job applications, etc.
    • Service desk ticketing requests.
    • Any external websites that employees need to access.

What Coffey does not support

  • Employee communications apps, e.g., Slack, instant messaging.
  • Task or project management.
  • Workflow management.
  • Collaboration/discussion forums.
  • Classified ads.
  • Built as a custom application.
  • Digital asset management.
  • Sensitive or private information, such as Social Security numbers and employee-specific information or IDs.

Building your employee portal

We can build your portal within Site Assist.